Thursday, January 6, 2011

In a world where everything is getting lean..

I was reading a mail from my business school yesterday. Nothing more than a convocation invite. I was glad they even thought of having one after 18 months of graduation. 18 months - you heard it right. As much weird as it was to have a graduation after 18 months, so much so was it to know I can't have my degree door-delivered. Doesn't it sound freakish paying your college half a million for a degree, when your college can't even FedEx it to you? Gosh. I rather love that McDonald-guy. He door-delivers every petty hundred-bucks-meal. With a smile on his face.

But why are things being made so complicated? Why do I have to fly hundreds of miles for a convocation to get my degree, where there is door-delivery easily around?! Or even better, why do we have degree certificates at all, when there is technology around to take them all digital and secure their integrity with something close to Verisign? Jeez.. am I the only person who thinks this is all a ridiculous waste of human energy?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe :P
    Socialization darling, and not letting nameless people and things take care of everything with a blank smile for you.
    I still think you should have come!
